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What are Customers Saying?

Grolite's timers and reminders boosted my study consistency. The Google Calendar feature kept me on track, helping me reach my goals. With determination, anyone can do the same. Thanks for the support!

The Grolite 90-days reading challenge made consistency a part of me. It was difficult at first, but the reminders made it a routine. I studied every day and got prompt guidance from the Grolite team on increasing study time. Overall, I loved the experience.

Struggling with commitment to continuous reading, Grolite helped me cover the syllabus faster and revisit it. The test questions in each competence impressed me, revealing my competency in each segment. I strongly recommend Grolite to anyone writing the ICAN exam.

The Grolite 90-days reading challenge was an eye-opener. Even though I joined late, the Leaderboard kept me motivated. I learned I had the consistency to study every day.

Struggling with goal setting and daily reading schedules during self-study, Grolite helped me build a daily reading habit. The Leaderboard kept me encouraged, and the dashboard's countdown feature emphasized how every day counts. I strongly recommend it.


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